Saturday 29 March 2014

Exploring Melbourne...

(Flinders Street Station, Melbourne)

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Procrastination Options...

For those like me who love anything that will distract them from the endless pile of homework they have, here's a list of some television shows I'm currently loving to assist you in your delaying tactics.

Star- Crossed

Puberty Blues

Pretty Little Liars


The Carrie Diaries

True Blood

American Horror Story

Let me know what you think,

Chelsea Elizabeth xx

Monday 24 March 2014

Endlessly Feeling Good!

If you're in need of a feel- good song at the moment, you are in luck! After watching the film Endless Love (which I recommend you also watch- especially for those romantic film enthusiasts) I recognised that they included a remix of NONONO's latest and greatest song, "Pumpin Blood", a remix called, "Pumpin Blood The Jane Doze Remix". I promise you that if you have a listen of the tune, you'll immediately feel rapturous and refreshed!

Picture via <>


Chelsea Elizabeth xx

Tuesday 18 March 2014

George Kotsiopoulos

You're probably wondering about the title of this blog post, and let me tell you with excitement a little story. 

My family and I went to have lunch at the Crown Entertainment Complex on Sunday, and as I was walking into the precinct, I thought I saw George Kotsiopoulos (a member of the Fashion Police panel) and blankly stared at him, curious to whether it was possible he would even be in Melbourne. When we arrived at the restaurant to eat lunch, I pulled out my phone from my purse and checked George's Instagram to find no hints of him being here, so I convinced myself that it wasn't him.

Yesterday as I flicked through the channels on my television, I noticed George on my screen on The Project and only then did it occur to me that he was here to promote his new book, 'Glamorous by George'. I double checked his Instagram and found he was at the Crown Complex on Sunday and while a little devastated that I didn't get to say hello, I thought I would tweet him to see if I could compensate for my heartbreak.
George's reply to my tweet!

To my luck, George replied to my tweet and confirmed that it was him I saw, and I thought it was only fair to celebrate his reply and dedicate this post to my happiness in response to it. So a tip to all you keen celebrity followers- get onboard the twitter train and maybe your idol can tweet you back!

Chelsea Elizabeth xx

Monday 17 March 2014

Chelsea Loves...

Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I love tea. I love black tea with milk and sugar, green tea, chai tea, lemongrass and ginger tea with honey, and the list goes on. To put it simply, I love tea. That's why when I saw this vintage Disney thermos at Typo, I knew I had to have it. 

If you buy one of the cutely decorated thermos' from Typo (only $16.95 from memory), tea will bring you joy, not only at home as it once did, but also at school, work, and everywhere you go! 

I don't only love tea for it's refreshing nature, and calming properties, but I love it because it's good for you. Minus the black tea I love to occasionally drink with a spoonful of sugar, herbal teas are low calories, and have great health benefits! Did you know that peppermint tea acts as a natural digestive aid? And that chamomile tea helps with de-stressing yourself from the anxious nature of life?

I suppose you consider me a tea aficionado, and that's exactly it. I'm an open tea- enthusiast and I hope you can be too! Did I mention the cute thermos' there are to transport your tea on the go?

Chelsea Elizabeth xx

My cute thermos and a small butterfly my friend bought me back from Indonesia.
Original photo taken by Chelsea Elizabeth 

Saturday 15 March 2014

Achieve Your Dreams!

Wow... The time has flown, especially when you consider the last time I blogged! While there are no excuses, I must admit that schooling has taken over my life, but on the bright side, it's my last year! 

I never really understood my friends, family and peers when they told me to "make the most of [my] junior years, because school will never be so easy", but I've definitely grasped that concept. You see, the pressure the final year of school puts on one is quite intense, and the work load very demanding, which leads me to my next point.

Seeing as initially I found myself completely stressed about the year ahead of me, yet have now started to adjust to the peak and trough nature of the year, I thought I would give you some advice for any school year or study you're undertaking, in order to remain on top of things!

So first thing's first; set a goal. I find that the only way I can motivate myself to write a whole practice essay when I'm already tired and grumpy from a long school day is to remind myself of the reason I want to do well- to one day be a successful journalist. Whether you want to be a doctor, electrician, architect, or are simply unsure, have a goal of some sort and I can guarantee it will inspire you!

After you've set some achievable and realistic goals (you don't want to be too harsh on yourself), it's time to organise a study routine. I find it quite useful to make myself a weekly timetable where I ensure that I balance out my study time with exercise, free time, and quality catch-ups with friends and family. On top of this, I usually write a little to-do list every day that makes my workload appear more manageable as I break it down into the time it will take me to complete it. If this doesn't work for you, another suggestion I have is to make use of the sticky notes application on Mac and Windows, having a note for every subject, and further breaking it down into the study and homework you have for each one. 

So once you have set a goal and implemented it by managing your study, you will find that things become quite routine, and studying isn't such a burden. Despite the heavy significance we place on the notion of studying, the main piece of advice I hope that you extract from this post is that you need balance in your everyday life, and while we all have goals, don't let them interfere with your physical and mental state. I always ensure that I exercise at least 4 times a week, and I particularly love jogging as I feel it releases any negative tension and stress, while also contributing to a healthier state. In conjunction with exercise, I try to maintain a healthy diet, while also living by the "everything in moderation" motto. I find that when I do eat healthier; incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into my diet, I generally feel a lot less anxious, and take a more positive approach to not only my schooling, but my life as a whole!

"Good things come to those who are willing to get up & never give up".
Image via

There you have it- my advice for you all to achieve your goals. I hope this post assisted in your attitude towards your schooling, and motivates you to do your best. I hope you all know that you can achieve anything when you put your mind to it, and why not start doing so today?

Chelsea Elizabeth xx