Thursday 28 November 2013


We all have those days, you know, the ones that attract our worst luck and everything seems to happen suddenly and at once. Well for me, today was one of those days. Last night, I ended up going to bed quite late which probably influenced my zombie like state that I was presented with today. I guess feeling extremely tired didn't exactly help, but moving on, today I felt strange, a feeling that things were at their lowest. Now, I do appreciate the fact that right now I am able to type these words and publish this post, and the fact that I am able to use a computer; I acknowledge that I'm blessed. In an emotional sense however, I felt quite different today, as though friendships had faded, and things were becoming quite complicated. Just as the sky greyed, as did my mood. I became quite accepting to the fact that things were becoming worse with some relationships in my life, not to anyone's fault but due to a gradual drifting and incompatibility. I have accepted this concept, but even still I feel as though life can be unfair with relationships. I guess there's no escape in the sense that sometimes we must accept the inevitable and the most difficult, the notion of change. 

Tomorrow will be brighter,

Chelsea Elizabeth xx

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