Friday 29 November 2013

School's Out!

Howdy everyone! I'm very excited to say that the school year is over for 2013 and I am now on Summer break. It's such a great feeling knowing that I have no more early morning wake-ups and can now sleep in later. I wish I could say I was free to relax and do whatever I want to this Summer, but unfortunately I do have a high pile of holiday homework for 2014. While this is the case, I thought it might be great to write a list of everything I want to achieve this Summer as next year I will be engrossed with a lot of school work seeing as it is my last year, therefore I probably won't have much time at all to chill out and enjoy myself. As I achieve each point of the list, I will cross it off and slowly, slowly I hope to have completed the entire list! 

30 Things To- Do This Summer:

  1. Have a picnic with friends or family.
  2. Take lots of pictures and create a 2013 Summer scrapbook.
  3. Take a yoga class.
  4. Start writing a journal and fill it out daily.
  5. Go for a bike ride with friends.
  6. Go roller- skating. 
  7. Buy flowers for somebody.
  8. Send handwritten letters to family and friends.
  9. Make a Summer playlist and make a copy for a friend.
  10. Make homemade lemonade!
  11. Finally finish reading 'The Bell Jar'.
  12. Watch 'Girl Interrupted'.
  13. Go to the drive- in movies.
  14. Make homemade ice-cream with cool toppings ('Cold Rock' style).
  15. Have a water fight with friends.
  16. Have/ host a backyard camp out.
  17. Make homemade pizzas!
  18. Reorganise and redecorate my bedroom.
  19. Find cool vintage band t-shirts (and buy them)!
  20. Watch the sunset.
  21. Volunteer my time to a good cause.
  22. Eat Ben & Jerry's ice-cream.
  23. Change my hairdo. (I ended up putting colour in my hair and cutting it shorter)
  24. Try frozen yogurt!(it was quite delicious)
  25. Meditate daily.
  26. Play laser tag with friends.
  27. Spend a day in more than three places.
  28. Take heaps and heaps of photos.
  29. Feed the ducks.
  30. Live every day to the fullest.
Let me know what you think,

Chelsea Elizabeth xx

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