Sunday 29 December 2013

7 Things I Loved About December

Seeing as the end of December is creeping up on us all, I thought I would share with you the seven things I loved about this month, whether it be things that I did, places I visited, or items that I bought, I will share seven of them with you and hope to continue this for every month that I continue blogging.

1. Finishing school- The beginning of December meant for me that school was finally over and it was finally time to sit back and relax (for a little bit anyway), without feeling guilty. 

2. Discovering True Blood- You know that feeling when you have nothing to watch and desperately need a new television series to be glued to? Well True Blood was that television series for me, and to say that it was good was an understatement which can be seen in the fact that I watched all six seasons within two weeks. I have to say though, I am looking forward to the last season which will be out in late 2014. 

3. Constantly spending time with other people- December is not the quietest of months, well not for me anyway. Every weekend I found myself out and about visiting family and friends whether it be for birthdays or Christmas parties, it never ended, which I enjoyed as I love spending time with family and friends and not to mention the food that usually comes with it.

4. Getting an SLR camera- I really enjoy taking photos of all sorts of things, and especially because I chose to study media next year, I really liked the idea of having my own SLR camera, and now that I do I find that I'm forever looking for new and unique things to photograph. 

5. The Jan/ Feb 2014 issue of Frankie- As mentioned above I am studying media next year at school and also aspire to be a journalist, so receiving such a quirky and inspiring magazine for Christmas from Mum (Thanks Mum) was quite convenient and special in a sense. Being a newbie to Frankie, there is so much to love about it including it's fascinating articles that present quite unusual and peculiar views and insights, the art found on the cover as well as being printed on many pages and not to mention the simplistic layout of each page. I can assure you that I am not going to be a one time reader of the magazine!

6. Christmas- By now you should all know that around Christmas time, I am in my element as I love the carols, the lights, the decorations and the food that comes with it. This Christmas was no exception to that as I had such a beautiful day surrounded by such amazing family, and to be completely honest, I'm quite sad that it's already over. 

7. The sales that follow Christmas- Two words, retail therapy. Some people love football, some love music, well my love lies with shopping. I am a sucker when it comes to sales and recently I have bought a few lovely items that I've had my eye on for a while now on sale including a cute sweater from Manning Cartell that was reduced... bargain!

Let me know what you're favourite things were this December,

Chelsea Elizabeth xx

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