Monday 9 December 2013

Five Reason's I Love Christmas!

It has been too long, well it feels like it anyway. It has been a crazy week for me actually as I had a three day school excursion from Thursday to Saturday and then my family and friends annual Christmas party on Saturday night which didn't finish until the early hours of Sunday morning. Moving on, I thought today I would talk to you all about something I love; Christmas (16 days to go), and here's why:

1. It is socially acceptable to listen to Christmas Carols.

I am a huge fan of Christmas carols; from the classic carols such as Wham's 'Last Christmas' to the quite recent ones like Ariana Grande's 'Snow In California' and Justin Bieber's 'Mistletoe', hence why I love the days leading up until Christmas. I find that Christmas carols are so soothing to listen to as well as so sweet and joyful, and I wish they were played all year round!

2. Driving around the streets to look at people's Christmas lights.

I absolutely love seeing that people have decorated their homes with Christmas lights it's such a beautiful thing and instantly makes me feel happy. The fact that you know people have put such hard efforts into decorating their place makes you appreciate their work and makes you feel that Christmas is near.

3. Sending and receiving Christmas cards.

I cannot go without sending Christmas cards at this time of year it is a must! I love hand writing letters and sending them out, mainly because it is something I hardly do, and it just feels so traditional and old fashioned in a good way, and not to mention the cute cards that you can find!

4. Television shows have their own Christmas specials.

One of my favourite parts of Christmas is watching movies set in the time of Advent as well as television shows. I must say every Christmas Eve it is a tradition for my Mum, brother and I to watch The Polar Express and Home Alone movies, and for myself, I have to watch the O.C's Christmukkah episodes (I love that Seth is as enthusiastic about Christmas as I am) as well as the Gossip Girl episodes set in Advent, it's a must!

5. Everyone unites with love and generosity.

Christmas is a time where everyone unites despite their differences; and also a time when people give to those less fortunate. If you have never done so or even if you have, I encourage you to donate a gift to a charity that gives gifts to the children and families that cannot afford to do so, as it is so rewarding knowing that a child will have a present to open on Christmas morning because of your generosity.

As much as I love Christmas, I feel that I should acknowledge that for some, it's a very difficult time of the year. For those who have lost loved ones, Christmas can truthfully be quite depressing and lonely, so I believe it is important to keep those people in your thoughts and prayers, as well as those less fortunate and are unable to provide for their families or for themselves financially and therefore are unable to celebrate this time of year.

Chelsea Elizabeth xx

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