Wednesday 1 January 2014

Carpe Diem

HOLA AND HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I hope everyone had an enjoyable New Year's Eve celebration even if you did end up having a quiet night. My family and I ended up going to a family friend's apartment where we hung around for a bit, then had a bite to eat at our favourite Chinese restaurant,finally returning back to the apartment overlooking Melbourne's Docklands just in time for the fireworks at midnight. It was a beautiful experience being fifteen levels above ground and watching the ravishing firework display, and I must say it was one of my favourite New Year's Eves I've had (except for when I went to Sydney and watched the fireworks at the Harbour Bridge).

Fireworks at the Docklands, Melbourne
Photo taken by me!

Seeing as the New Year is finally here for most, if not all, I thought I'd share my New Year's resolutions with you all. I'm not a firm believer in resolutions; I find that they're difficult to stick to unless they are carefully thought and planned out properly. In saying this, I recently experienced a life- changing moment where I realised how short life is. You always hear people saying "This year just flied past" or "I can't believe it's already Monday". Well, after the incident mentioned above, I realised that it's not time that defines life, but it's how we as people decide to spend our time; the quality of our happenings. I've recently learnt that anything could happen at any moment, good or bad, and question why we all continue to sit around and dream of things we'll one day do when we have the world at our feet. I suppose that we are limited to what we can do with our lives in some ways, but as a type of New Year's resolution or 'goal' as I am calling it (as it sounds more achievable), I hope that this year I will take advantage of my life and seize the day, ensuring that I spend my time with people I love, and not waste a minute with negative and toxic relationships, always making certain that I am living life to the fullest in the best way that I can.

What's your New Year's resolution or goal? Leave a comment and let me know!

Chelsea Elizabeth xx

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